1. You would need help from the prospective employer or educational institution to get the visa. Check with them if they are ready to assist you. Make sure your country's consulate or embassy is with you before you reach out to the overseas. Write in detail about why you choose to go overseas. Mention
  2. Write a brief but clear intention of your travel. Mention that your family members would accompany you if required.
  3. Inquire about the forms you need to fill and information that you need to provide in the application.
  4. Government agencies do not send any Fax message or do not call you to such matters. So provide your mailing address.
  5. End with a thank you note and mention that you are awaiting a response.


[Senders Name]
[Address line]
[State, ZIP Code]

[Letter Date]

[Recipients Name]
[Address line]
[State, ZIP Code]

[Subject: Normally bold, summarizes the intention of the letter] -Optional-

Dear [Recipients Name],

I am writing because I must obtain a visa for my wife and me for the period from August 2002 to June 2003. I have been offered a temporary designation at the National Game Park in Texas, as Anti-Malaria Officer.

Please send all necessary information and application forms to the above address. I would like to be in Texas on January 13th, so I would be grateful if you could send the information soon. I thank you for your help in this matter.


[Senders Name]
[Senders Title] -Optional-

[Enclosures: number] - Optional -
cc: [Name of copy recipient] - Optional -

Example letter of family visa application for wife.

Further things to consider when writing application letters to immigration offices

Further things to consider when writing application letters to immigration offices

Application Letters

Application letters are letters that you write to formally request for something from authority, apply for a job, or join an institution. Effective application letters will give a detailed explanation for your interest in the specific item, company, or institution. They showcase your abilities and strengths and illustrate your experience. In most cases, people write application letters to express their interest in receiving a position, attending an institution, or when applying for a visa, for instance. In all scenarios, application letters must be accompanied by the relevant documents.

Application letters are the perfect tool to demonstrate something of your personality. Therefore, you should write in a professional tone setting a clear outline that allows the reader to scan the primary data quickly. Introduce yourself and briefly explain your intent and reason for the application. Address the letter with a title or name of the recipient. If your application is for a job or to join an institution, for example, you need to highlight your experience and qualification; if you are applying for a travel visa, make sure to state a clear intention for your travel. End with a positive tone and invite the recipient to contact you.

Letters to Immigration Offices

Letters to immigration offices are letters sent to an office or department that deals with verification of documents for people entering a certain country. How you write your letter depends on what you want and which department you want. Maybe you want to apply for a work visa or request for an extension of a tourist visa. Perhaps you have basic questions regarding the country you want to visit. Whatever the reason, you need to explain for what purpose or in what context the letter is being written.

There are a few things you should keep in mind when writing letters to immigration offices. For starters, you need to type the letter on a computer using a recognized official or business format - a handwritten letter is hard to read and may not be given preference. Address the letter to the right person. Write a subject line to let the recipient know what the letter is about and why you are writing. Introduce yourself. Explain the reason for your letter. If there are any attachments, explain what they are. Close with a statement that explains what action you want the recipient to take in response to the letter.

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